Saturday, September 25 marks the 2021 Sanford Bike Fest, an event geared toward kids and their families, from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
The ride begins at YMCA with activities along the way to Sanford High School/Sanford Regional Technical Center and ends up back at the YMCA.
There will be the following events:
bike jam at Marcel Blouin skatepark at the YMCA
bike rodeo at St. Ignatius Gym parking lot on Riverside Ave
pedicab rides
the cafe at Sanford Regional Technical Center will be open, with service by the students, Frannie's Mini Donuts, and other vendors
Some of the roads will be closed to cars during the event. Helmets and closed toe shoes are encouraged. The complete round trip is 7 miles on alternating pavement and gravel.

Brought to you by Cycle Sanford, Sanford Parks & Rec, Cub Scout Pack 355, the culinary arts program at Sanford regional Tech Center, and York County Jail staff.